Find a Provider

A comprehensive range of doctors, specialists and hospitals

Need help?

If you need help finding a provider or understanding your Adventist Health Employee Health Plan benefits, please contact us.

Call 800-441-2524

Helping you find care

The Adventist Health Employee Health Plan offers access to a comprehensive range of doctors, specialists and hospitals to help you find care wherever you live or work. Choose your state below.

California Members

Incentive Health Provider Access Solution

Search for a providerHow to Guide: Find a CA Provider

*If traveling outside of California, utilize the First Health PPO network. No out of network coverage available for California associates traveling outside of California. Loma Linda Medical Center and Loma Linda Medical Center-Murietta are considered Adventist Health facilities for medical benefits purposes.

Members located near Roseville, CA

To schedule with a UC Davis provider, please call our designated UC Davis scheduling line at 916-734-1700.

Oregon Members

Tier One

Tier One providers must meet the following criteria: Providers must be in the Adventist Health Medical Staff directory (which includes covered OHSU providers).

Tier Two

Tier Two providers must meet the following criteria: Providers must be in the First Choice PPO network.

*If traveling outside of Oregon, utilize the First Health PPO network.

All other states Members

Tier One

Tier One providers must be listed in both directories below: Providers must be in the Adventist Health Medical Staff directory, and must be in the First Health PPO network directory.

Tier Two

Tier Two providers must meet the following criteria: Providers must be in the First Health PPO network directory.

Need help?

If you need help finding a provider or understanding your Adventist Health Employee Health Plan benefits, please contact us.

Call  844-574-5686